It is very great.But if i have another chance ro watch it again,maybe i only need to watch the first 3 episodes.Because in this part ,they figjt for freedom,for independence,for normal people's benifit.I have been touched deeply.
What I can tell is that there are two marvelous subjects in the world, a surreal one and an unfeigned one, and here is the latter. Give my deep respect to the characters and the actors, as well as the staff.
Stretching sound to help the mind see作者做了这部片的sound;人物有《CAD免费高清视频3.1》中小丑的特质。开头雨滴变焦其实让我清晰地意识到相机的mechanism。最后小孩枪击笨笨 女人抱着笨笨哭 有点隐喻溢出屏幕 结束得太戏剧性//这样的结尾也正是Hollywood renaissance的风格,Elsaesser提出两种features1. Unmotivated heroes 2. Road/journey这部电影也对second wave feminism进行了抨击,工作女郎最后的结局就是这个从丈夫身边逃跑的女人 滥交 害死了笨笨 造成消极的后果。